• 7000sf ballroom with vintage hardwood floors
• All-ages; children dance for free
• Sliding scale (click for details)
• Volunteer opportunities available
Fernhill Ecstatic Dance
Sundays 11:30AM-2:30PM
Wintertime: BridgeSpace PDX, 133 SE Madison St, Portland, OR
Summertime: Fernhill Park, Portland, OR
Please see our Facebook page for current location and DJs.
• Dance as Medicine, Feel it to Heal it.
• We start promptly at noon
• $15-$30 entry requested
• Volunteer opportunities available
Dance Rooted
A 5Rhythms Movement Meditation
Sundays, 3:30-5PM
Vitalidad Movement Arts Center, 2626 E Burnside, Portland, OR
Contact: Pre-register HERE.
• We follow a Map: Flowing-Staccato-Chaos-Lyrical-Stillness
• You will feel well held in CommUNITY
• Newly remodeled space w/ hardwood floors & central location
• $15 pre-reg/cash/venmo or class card; volunteer positions available. Connect if in need of scholarship support.
Soul Revival
Ecstatic Dance for BIPOC
First Sundays, 3:30-5:30PM and 3rd Fridays 7-9PM
• This dance is solely for Black, Indigenous and People of Color
• Sliding scale $5 to $20
Check schedule here
January 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10, 24 (no lab 2/17)
March 3, 10, 17, 31 (no lab 3/24)
April 7, 14, 21 (no lab 4/28)
May 5, 12, 19 (no lab 5/26)
SomaSpace, 4050 NE Broadway Street, Portland, OR
~ Self-guided dance event combined with music, experiential prompts, and physio-movement cues.
~ All genres of somatic practice, previous dance experience, and intentions for dancing welcomed with reverence and joy.
~ Drop-in: sliding scale $10-$20
1st Mondays, 7:30pm: Temple For All with Saffire
2nd Mondays, 7:30pm: Dance Into Being with Saffire
3rd Mondays, 7pm: Kaleidoscope Yoga with Ayomide
4th Mondays, 7pm: BIPOC Restorative Movement with Ayomide
• Experienced dancers laboratory.
• Basic understanding of CI principles and environment.
• Cost: $10-20
• An invitation to weave beauty, strength, and healing into our lives through the practice and devotion of listening to the body and intuition. We give Sanctuary to the underexpressed parts of ourselves and welcome in a space to FEEL and to MOVE and to BE with Life Force as She/He/They dances within us.
• Cost: $20-30
Mt. Tabor Dance Community
Wednesdays an hour before Sunset - 5PM-9:30PM.
Usually on Tabor but check Instagram in questionable weather.• 2 hour Ecstatic Dance Journey with Local & Global DJ's
• Sound Healing/Closing, Bodywork, Altar, & more
• Professional Sound + Visuals with a soft Studio Dance Floor
• $20 or $15/dance w/ 10 pass card for $150
Lajja Wednesdays Ecstatic Dance
Wednesdays EXCEPT first Wed of the month 7:30-9PM
Lajja Yoga, 10851 SE Main St, Milwaukie, OR• Music by Saffire Bouchelion + space hosted by Jillian Nelson. We are in our 3rd year of weekly dances together. This is a cozier dance of 15-25 people which is perfect when you want something a bit more loose and intimate! Feel free to contact Saffire with any questions at 971-331-3956.
• Led by Autumn Amor + Kris Young
• The jam is an open, informal space to which dancers of all types and backgrounds are invited to explore their bodies in a kinesthetic relationship to other bodies.
• Cost: $12
Soul Revival
Ecstatic Dance for BIPOC
First Sundays, 3:30-5:30PM and 3rd Fridays 7-9PM
• This dance is solely for Black, Indigenous and People of Color
• Sliding scale $5 to $20
Queer Movement Collective is a monthly accessible, brave space for queer and trans folx to express themselves and experiment with embodiment through movement and dance in community. Inspired by 5Rhythms created by Gabrielle Roth, QMC is expanding and queering what community dance spaces can be.
• In-person classes led by Vincent Grieco-Martinez
• Study with the creator of the Soul Motion dance practice
• Sliding scale $10-20/class